Please Share with anyone you may know affected by the recent flooding:
The state and FEMA are moving very quickly after this historic flooding year. They want to get assistance into the hands of those who need it as quickly as possible. They are looking to start doing Assessments for Individual Assistance in Nobles County as early as Next Week. Which is about 3 weeks faster than we have seen in previous disasters. Therefore, we need to get information on affected homes as quickly as possible.
We have had 150 people report damages in Nobles County, with 14 of them reporting major damages. There are many more individuals that experienced damages that have not reported them. People had damage to Water heaters, furnaces, freezers, washers and dryers, carpet, and sheetrock. Please report those damages right away if you have not done so.
While Nobles County cannot guarantee your damages will qualify for Individual Assistance, we can guarantee they will not qualify if you do not report them. Your information will be shared with Minnesota Homeland Security as well as the Nobles County Assessor office for review.
Damages can be reported at
The Link can also be found pinned to the top of the Nobles County Emergency Management Facebook page. Please report damages as soon as possible if you have not done so already to be included in the federal review for Individual Assistance.
Healthy ministry is for anyone who finds themselves homebound, hospitalized, or in a nursing home and would like someone from our ministry to stop in for a visit, please contact us and we would be happy to spend time with you. We offer spiritual and emotional support and practical care as well. We also offer referrals to area agencies if you have special needs that are currently unmet.
"God has given gifts to each of you. Are you called to help others? Do it with all the strength and energy God supplies" - 1 Peter 4:10-11
One of our goals is to continuously grow our ministry in the hope that we can reach all those in need in our area. Nurses are the backbone of our health ministry because of their education and experience and training. However, we are also looking for other individuals that may feel called to this ministry as volunteers.
Areas where you can help:
- Visits ot the homebound
- Elizabeth Ministry
- New Moms Network
- Health Education
- Support Groups
Roles of those in Health Ministry:
- Integrator of Faith and Health
- Health Educator
- Personal Health Counselor
- Health Advocate and Referral Agent
- Trainer of volunteers
Services Offered:
- Home hospital and nursing home visits
- Blood pressure screenings
- Health highlights in church bulletin
- Spotlight on health education gatherings
- Elizabeth ministry programs - ministering to women during the child bearing years
- New moms network gatherings
- Referrals to other health services in the community
- Support groups: grief, caregivers and depression
- Bereavement programs follow up after the death of a loved one
"And he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick."
Luke 9:2
For Information please contact:
Parish Counselor/Outreach Coordinator